More and more people are trying to live healthier and become more active. Many activities that individuals and families are engaging in are being enjoyed in the great outdoors. Activities that continue to grow each year include zip lines tours, challenge courses, climbing walls, and other guided tours such as hiking, mountain biking, mountain climbing, and camping.
With all of these activities come some inherent dangers ranging from sprained ankles to head injuries and even death. Injuries seen in the outdoor recreation industry generally include things like hands get
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Post Updated: 11/30/18
Artisan, general, and specialty contractors have seen dramatic changes within their industry over the past decade. Along with these changes and projected growth of the contracting and construction business, the demand for high-risk coverage grows as well.
A recent article in National Underwriter highlights that insurance prices for the construction business have increased by 10–15 percent. This can be attributed to the increase of commercial auto rates due to “the spike in auto accidents and concerns about construction defect claims in areas hit hard by last year’s hurricanes.”
Contractors have had their processes altered through legislati
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In November 2012, Daryle Stafford, President & CEO of Veracity, traveled to Mombasa, Kenya to build and open two new schools in cooperation with the Koins for Kenya Foundation in the villages of Peku and Vikolani. With the help of the people of Peku and Vikolani, students now have a new environment for learning.Prior to the new Veracity school, students would meet beneath an old Umbrella Thorn tree. Now, desks provide an alternative to sitting on the dirt, and walls and a roof provide shelter from the elements, allowing school to happen even on rainy days. The Veracity school and the supplies provided contribute to a safe learning environment in which children will come to participate and prosper.
Watch our video for details on how the schools were built and for a special message from Daryle Stafford. We look forward to more opportunities in 2013!
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Contrary to popular belief, Oil and Gas, Nuclear, and Contractors companies are not the only industries that are exposed to a potential pollution claim. Manufacturers also have a significant exposure to Pollution Claims.
Most, if not all, standard insurance policies include an absolute pollution exclusion. This exclusion removes coverage for bodily injury or property damage caused by any pollutant, which is defined as follows, “any solid, liquid, gaseous or thermal irritant or contaminant, including smoke, vapor, soot, fumes, acids, alkalis, chemicals and waste. Waste includes materials to be recycled, reconditioned or reclaimed.” This would include any manufactured product regardless of the industry, therefore creating a major gap for manufacturers.
Manufacturers Environmental or Pollution policies offer a bridge to cover this gap, and in effect ensure that compan
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Every manufacturer, importer, or distributor wants to make sure that products and goods they supply are safe and fault free. Product liability insurance is the way to go! By purchasing it you ensure safety and peace of mind.
Let’s say you have a business start-up for body-building supplements. You manufacture and distribute them to pharmacies and grocery stores. You are sure that your product is very safe and that it works. You tested your supplements before selling and have even taken them yourself. But there could be so many unknown exposures not only for you as a business owner, but also for traders, distributors, and sellers of your product. There are a lot of scenarios that you simply can’t expect.
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