Climbing Gym Insurance
Apply for insurance for your climbing gym today!
Fill out an online application or download a PDF version for your convenience
Climbing gyms are a fun, popular and growing recreational activity. Operations with climbing walls have tremendous exposures to bodily injury claims, even if they have patrons sign waivers. A fall from a bouldering wall can cause severe damage and injury to customers. Claims and suits will cost thousands to defend and potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars for damages. Without the correct coverage, these costs can bring a business to their knees.
Veracity Insurance has extensive knowledge in providing coverage for climbing gyms and facilities on a nationwide basis. Understanding the industry allows us to provide viable insurance options to fit the needs of your climbing facility and the incidental outdoor activities you may be conducting. Veracity Insurance is dedicated to the outdoor recreation industry and our risk management team will guide you through the underwriting process and provide practical insurance solutions for your climbing gym.
Program Highlights
- General Liability
- $1 Million Per Occurrence with $2 Million General Aggregate
- Excess/Umbrella - Limits up to $30 Million Available
Property Insurance
- Building Coverage
- Tenants Betterments & Improvements
- Business Income
Accident Medical
- $5,000 Excess Medical
- $100 Deductible
Why Climbing Gym Insurance?

In 2015, a climbing gym was sued by the parents of a 7-year-old boy who was injured while celebrating his birthday. The parents are suing for medical expenses and other costs related to the accident.