Veracity Gives Back
Our Mission
“If you wait until you can do everything for everybody, instead of something for somebody, you’ll end up not doing anything for anybody.”
—Malcolm Bane
"As an organization, we feel an obligation to give back whenever we can. Our belief is that when you experience success, you're obligated to help others achieve their own success. We understand that the service that we provide won't be ultimate solutions, but action, is better than inaction."
-Daryle Stafford, CEO
Read more about our efforts.
Veracity and the Environment

We Care
We are committed to making a positive impact on the lives of those we come in contact with.

We've gone paperless through the implementation of online applications and digital copies of policies.

Our homebase is located in Pleasant Grove, Utah. We pride ourselves in maintaining a beautiful space, through community clean up and volunteer work.

Our Commitment
Veracity is committed to following through with bettering our community, nation and the globe.

Five.12 Foundation
As part of our ongoing efforts to make a difference in our community and advance our Veracity Gives Back initiative, our team of brokers fundraised and donated to the Five.12 Foundation.
Learn more about our involvement here.
Veracity Sponsors USATF
Isaiah Allen was sponsored by Veracity for the 2016 USATF Championships in Sacramento, CA. He qualified for the 2016 championships in Bozeman, MT by taking first in the 100m and 200m.

Snow Canyon World Series Softball Sponsorship
Snow Canyon Little League is the first Utah team to compete in the Little League World Series.
Learn how we helped them fulfill their dream of competing in the series here.
The Road Home
Veracity has an ongoing initiative to give back to our community.
Learn how our employees work together to prepare and provide lunches for children at The Road Home here.

Koins for Kenya
Koins For Kenya is a non-profit organization that is working to improve the lives of the people - especially the children - in Kenya, and Veracity is with them every step of the way.
Since 2003, it has been our pleasure to work with Koins For Kenya to help provide education to many children in Kenya. In 2012, our CEO, Daryle Stafford, even traveled to Kenya with Koins For Kenya and helped build two schools. Every so often we get letters from some of the children we have helped, and it always brightens our day.
Because of the efforts of organizations like Koins For Kenya, the children of Kenya have the potential to have bright futures ahead of them. Veracity will continue to do what we can to help the Kenyan people, and we would love it if you would join us. Please visit to learn more, or to donate money, time, or other resources to this amazing organization.