Secure the Benefits of a Customized Franchise Insurance Program for Yourself and Your Franchisees
Securing a consistent insurance plan for your franchise benefits both the individual franchisees and the franchise itself. Tailoring a franchise insurance program to your specific business model can help protect you against vicarious liability and other risks. A centralized insurance program gives you greater control to ensure that your franchisees are compliant with FDD requirements, providing greater protection against claims.
With a team of in-house underwriters and binding authority from highly rated carriers, Veracity has the expertise, flexibility, and knowledge you need to give your franchise group insurance coverage that works for them. Our experience working with franchise concepts gives you confidence that we understand the special insurance considerations that will benefit your program.
Leverage Your Brand for Tailored Coverage
A custom franchise insurance program takes your unique policies and procedures into consideration in order to more precisely determine risk and set accurate liability limits. Let Veracity help protect the brand you've worked so hard to build.
Centralized Insurance
Enjoy the Convenience of a Centralized Insurance Program Veracity provides simplified franchise insurance management services. We track franchisee compliance, organize certificates of insurance into a central location, make sure you are named as an additional insured for all policies, and more.
Simplified Claims
Take Control with a Simplified Claims Reporting Process Claims against individual franchisees affect all members of the franchise, especially you as the owner. Our consolidated process standardizes coverage interpretations, eliminates multiple claims, and helps identify recurring loss trends.