Veracity has the knowledge base to assist you in creating, implementing, and managing a group/association insurance program. The Veracity team understands every facet of setting up Risk Purchasing Groups and managing the relationships and expectations of the group/association. If you are looking to create, replace, or enhance a group, association, or franchise program, you cannot chose a more creative partner than Veracity.

Veracity is P&C and Surplus Lines licensed in all 50 states. Our program management services can be tailored to your needs; we can provide a bundled package or customize a set of functions specific to your requirements. Veracity is your program management solution.

Veracity’s Program Management Services include:

  • Surplus Lines Tax Filings
  • Placement in Markets
  • Website Development & Marketing
  • Licensing, Licensing Renewals, License Maintenance
  • RPG Setup & Management
  • Master Policies
  • Underwriting & Policy Issuance
  • Full Customer Support

Why Veracity?

Veracity is committed to creating a positive experience for our customers and setting a higher standard on how business should be done. We value customer interaction, response and turnaround times, product knowledge, and compliance.

Our experience with general and product liability insurance, excess & surplus lines, in-house underwriting, and exclusive programs gives you the competitive edge you need.

Contact Info

Call: 866.395.1308

6:00am - 6:00pm MT | Mon - Fri



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Product & General Liability Experts

Exclusive programs with in-house underwriting and binding authority with A rated carriers.