If you wait until you can do everything for everybody, instead of something for somebody, you’ll end up not doing anything for anybody.”
—Malcolm Bane

Recently Veracity began an initiative to give back to our local community. Over the next 13 months, our employees will be banding together to provide lunches to children served by The Road Home, a local low barrier shelter that helps homeless families.
Because many people staying at The Road Home struggle with serious addictions or mental illnesses, their children are in need of special attention. This is why The Road Home also provides preschool and daycare services. However, without donations from the community, they are unable to provide lunches for these children.
When Veracity's CEO, Daryle Stafford, learned that for some of these children, these donated lunches might be the only meal they get that day, he knew he had to do something. Here's what he had to say:
"Since learning about this charity, I have been grappling with the reality that there are children in our own community who are going without food. Initially, my thoughts were, 'With so many resources and opportunities surrounding us, how does this happen? Why isn’t anyone doing something to protect these children? What can I do to help?'"
Like the Malcolm Bane quote above, Daryle realized that even if he can't personally solve the problem, he could do something for these children. So, in answer to his last question, he decided to mobilize his employees.

For the next year, once a month Veracity will be donating all needed materials and food items and employees will be setting aside time on their schedules to put together enough sack lunches to feed children at The Road Home for two meals.
In November, our first group of employees got together to kick off the initiative. We enjoyed the time spent assembling food that would help kids in our community. So thanks to these employees, and thanks to you, our clients, for making it possible. Without your business, Veracity wouldn't have the resources we do to give back.