Nothing pulls on our heartstrings more than children who are in need. Especially those whose families are unable to afford a home cooked meal or a school lunch. As part of our ongoing efforts to make a difference in our community and advance our Veracity Gives Back initiative, our team of brokers fundraised and donated $512 to the Five.12 Foundation.
The Alpine-based charity got its roots when local businessman and entrepreneur Nick Greer, discovered that his close friend received a Leukemia diagnosis. When he found out the illness had exhausted the family’s insurance and financial resources, Greer raised over 60K in less than three days, using the money to help pay for medical costs. Part of these funds came from Greer’s daughter, who offered her savings, $5.12, to her father and asked him if it would help save the man’s life.
Today, the foundation aims to help fight hunger among Utah’s elementary-age students. Visit to learn more about their ongoing efforts.